Source 6:  Poster - Men's Deputation from the North (Edinburgh to London)

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On 14 February 1914, representatives from 79 male pro-suffrage organisations from all over Scotland travelled to London to meet with the Liberal Prime Minister, Herbert Henry Asquith (1852 - 1928). He did not support women's suffrage, and refused to meet the deputations at this time.

[NLS Shelfmark: Acc. 3721/148 (2)]


Men's Deputation from the North to Mr Asquith to demand votes for women will shortly leave Edinburgh for London.

The Deputation will be undertaken by responsible men of all parties co-operating on non-party lines in a strictly constitutional demand for justice.

For full particulars as to date of departure, etc., apply to: Mr Alexander Orr, Fettes Row, Edinburgh

Those who really wish to help, come in your thousands!